The Permission Slip template is an application that helps you collect and display field trip permissions. It makes it easy to gather important information and approvals from parents.
The Permission Slip template includes:
- A form for teachers or organizers to fill out with field trip details like the date, location, and times.
- A form for parents or guardians to fill out with their contact information, the student’s name, and a digital signature to give permission.
- 2 pages to show all the information:
- One page with the field trip details and the permission form for parents to fill out.
- Another page that shows the completed permission slip with both the field trip details and the signed permission from the parent.
WordPress Permission Slip Template Pages
By default, the two pages look like this:
Page 1: Shows the field trip details and has the permission form for parents to fill out right below it.

Page 2: Shows the complete permission slip with both the field trip information and the signed permission from the parent, making it easy to review.

You can change the colors and styles with some simple CSS if needed.