Looking for a quiz score calculator for your WordPress website? Using a quiz calculator with the Formidable Forms Quiz Maker has never been easier.

Approximate read time: 4 minutes
Teachers don’t get enough credit.
There are never enough hours in the day, and you’re never quite done working. Creating quizzes, lesson planning, and grading take up all your free time.
So, we wanted to help.
That’s why we created the best quiz calculator: to help teachers create, distribute, and grade quizzes faster than ever.
This post will show you why Formidable Forms can help you speed up a workflow, so spending time on scored quizzes is a thing of the past.
So, let’s get into it.
Why use a quiz score calculator?
Quiz score calculators are a quick way to easily calculate your students' grades.
But you’re not only grading quizzes, right? You’re creating and passing them out, too. That’s where a quiz plugin comes in.

With a quiz plugin, you can handle everything within one central area. Need to create a math quiz? Easy.
Want to send it to your students via email? Done.
Or maybe you're using a learning management system (LMS)? No problem.
The days of spending hours creating and letter-grading quizzes are in the past. Let a quiz plugin bring you into the future.
And we only have the plugin for you.
Level up your quizzes with Formidable Forms quiz calculator
Let us introduce you to our plugin: Formidable Forms.
Wait, forms? I’m looking for quizzes!
But the name can be misleading. Formidable Forms goes way beyond just a form builder. Think of it like a “jack of all trades,” except Formidable excels at all of them.
And that includes quizzes.
Let us show you what we mean.
A simplified quiz score calculator
Any quiz score calculator can tell you the student's performance.
But Formidable takes that further and can easily change that to a letter test grade. Great, right?
But what if you want to change your scoring from a standard grading scale? Maybe you want it to be 0-4 or a pass/fail result. With Formidable, change a few settings, and you’re set! No conversion chart is needed.
You can even give it a non-numerical score like you would in a personality test quiz.
Whether you want to make a GPA or grade calculator or just for fun test total scores, Formidable can easily calculate it all!
It’s your grading system. Decide how you want to show it.
Create engaging exams with interactive quizzes
Think of the tests you know — SAT, GRE, a standard pop quiz, statistics, or even a trigonometry quiz.
Does it bring up bad memories like you’re in a nightmare? We know it did for us (especially SAT math, yikes!).
But what if you could add flair to your online exams or quizzes to make them more exciting for your students? What kind of impact could that have on your students?
You may have guessed it, but Formidable Forms can handle those, too.
Add images, videos, and more to your quizzes to make them stand out. When learning becomes fun, students tune in.
And there’s no better way to do that than with an interactive quiz.
Customize your quiz how you want
Formidable gives you complete control over your quizzes.
Want to change how they look to make them more interesting? It's easy. Want to change the number of questions, then display the correct answers at the end? It's simple.
With Formidable’s Quiz Maker, teachers, schools, and universities can ultimately control how their quizzes are displayed. And it takes no time to learn.
Here are just a few of the options you have:
- Flexible scoring options for different fields
- Randomized questions
- Negative scoring
- Weighted final grades
- Answer keys
And these are just the most useful options. Formidable offers much more for you to make your quiz exactly what you want.
What we’re getting at is: if you can think of it, you can make it with Formidable.
Start building your quiz today!
So, are you ready to make your quiz?
The benefits of using Formidable for educational purposes are obvious.
No conversion tables, no complicated Excel formulas, and no headaches!
But it doesn’t stop there. You can create any type of quiz with Formidable’s calculator:
Getting the power of Formidable is like having the ring from Lord of the Rings. Your power is unstoppable.
So, we’re curious to know. What will you use your score quiz calculator for? Let us know in the comments!
And, if you haven’t gotten enough of quizzes, check out the best quiz templates and themes on the internet! They’re sure to speed up your quiz-making process even more. Or, if you're ready to get started on your quiz, head to our pricing page and pick up Formidable to get started!
Start building your quiz today!
Last, if you're not following us on social media, check out our Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for more quiz tips and tricks!
Great updates - thanks so much!
What if I want to show the user's answers and the correct answers after they submit the quiz. Right now it looks like I can only choose one of those options. We want to be able to show both, plus an explanation (that they can view/hide) for the answer.
How can I display correct and incorrect answers in an email to the user? Which shortcode I have to use for this?
Thank you.
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Thank you for sharing this one. A must read article!