Process shortcodes before sending data. This will allow for views and stats to be used in the url and API values. One way this can be used is to save the frm-stats shortcode in a parent entry. For
Forms API v1.0
Allow API actions to be triggered during import Use a different API key for each site in a network Add a "raw" format option. This also adds the empty box back in for setting the API content to
Forms API v1.0rc4
Settings redo for easier webhook sending Add option to set the method instead of always using POST. Now deleting is possible. Add option to send json or post to an HTML form Trigger webhooks for
Forms API v1.0rc3
Fix the v1 routes Fix getting views without any extra url params Add frm_api_request_args filter to adjust the post parameters before sending it away Register the api action all the time to fix the
Forms API v1.0rc2
Add the download id to make sure the correct key is used for auto updating Protect the form entries by default Allow the calendar links in an API view to correctly navigate months and years Make
Forms API v1.0rc
Add route for /forms/315/entries. This is the same as /entries?form_id=315 Change the link on the missing plugin notification to the v2 rest-api plugin Easy API view searching. If the view includes
Forms API v1.0b11
Better results when using multiple frm-api shortcodes on a page Allow any parameters in frm-api shortcode to pass to the API Fix the form action not showing up Adjustments so API works with
Forms API v1.0b10
Add v2.0 routes. These can be accessed with wp-json/frm/v2/... Add frm-api shortcode for inserting a form or view from another site. [ frm-api id=50 url="" type=form] Allow for
Forms API v1.0b8
Return more than 20 entries when requested Update for deprecated localize_script function Allow shortcodes like [/foreach] and [/if 25] in the json content Sanitize & for POST
Forms API v1.0b7
* Show the webhooks menu * Updates for 2.0 compatibility (will be moving into the Form actions later)