We have been hearing of a lot of people working on Formidable-Bootstrap integration. We have created an add-on that automatically adds all the Bootstrap classes and loads the Bootstrap styling, to make beautiful forms even faster and easier.
Normally, a value can be added before and/or after the input by directly inserting them into the customizable HTML. This add-on includes an extra setting in the field options to do this simply and instantly.
The settings illustrated above will create a field like this:
The full Bootstrap 3.0.2 css is included, which means there is a lot more you can use that you will need to see the Bootstrap docs for. A lot the the available classes will work when you insert them into the "CSS layout classes" box in your field options. Specifically, the sizing options found here.
Note: This add-on requires the changes included in Formidable v1.07.02 which is currently in beta. Please make sure you are running at least v1.07.02b2 of Formidable before using this add-on.
very nice.
thanks a lot
This is a nice idea, but I think you will find a lot of styling compatibility issues with different themes. I think that if this is to be successful you are going to have to reference a different naming convention for calling certain files and functions so that these compatibility issues don't make this add on more problematic than it's worth.
Also, it appears that the plugin overrides anything in the Global Settings Form Styling.
brilliant, thanks for this
It would be nice to have an option to not use the Formidable Bootstrap css version, I have commented this out of FrmBtsAppController.php so it will use my current Bootstrap version. But an option would be better.
This will save me major headaches and simplify all my forms site wide, thanks.
Yeah I second your opinion, loading the css needs to be optional.
HI, that's perfect!!
BUt also would like an option to use my THEME Bootstrap CSS!!!
You'd need to comment it out in FrmBtsAppController.php, mind you, by the next update if this isnt to be opted out you'll need to re-edit this file.
It seems like the bootstrap add-on loads on every page of your site. If that is the case we need an option for having it off on pages not using Formidable. As others have suggested, it would be nice to have a simple interface (check box) that loads the "bundled" bootstrap (checked) or uses whatever might be available (un-checked).