The Insert Fields tab is part of the customization panel which is available for your convenience. It is located in the right sidebar when you are in a View or as modal when you are in your form Settings. The Insert Fields tab is used to insert field IDs/keys and other helpful shortcodes. Please note that some of these features are not included in the lite version.
Fields from your form
This section displays a clickable list of field IDs and Keys from the associated form.
- The ID and Key work synonymously, although it may be better to use the field key over the field ID at times. The original field IDs on a site will not change, but the field keys can be edited. If you plan to export your forms or Views to other sites, using field keys is best because these are preserved on export/import. Also, if you're using WPMU and copying your View settings to other blogs, you should use the field keys since they will be consistent across the subsites.
- When a field ID or key is added to a View, email notification, form success message, etc., it will display the value saved in that field.
Dynamic fields
If you have a Dynamic field in your form, then field ID shortcodes like this will appear in your customization panel:
This [x show=y] shortcodes allow you to pull values from other fields in the form that the Dynamic Field is getting its data from. Visit the Display values from linked entry article for more information.
This section contains several helpful shortcodes. Different shortcodes will be available depending on whether you are in a View, your form's Settings, or an Email notification.
Form Settings and Views
The following helpers are available everywhere in your form's Settings and Views.
Entry ID
Inserts the id of the entry.
Entry key
Inserts the key of the entry.
Post ID
Inserts the ID of the created post. This is applicable only if your form is set up to create posts.
IP address
Inserts the IP address of the user who submitted the form.
Entry created
Inserts the date and time the entry was originally submitted. e.g. 2021-09-20 at 9:05 pm
Change the format of the displayed entry created.
- Display as a 24-hr clock format, e.g. 21:05:04
[created_at format='H:i:s']
- Display with a lower case am/pm, e.g. 9:05 pm
[created_at format='g:i a']
Entry updated
Inserts the date and time of the most recent update of the entry. This is only applicable if your form allows users to edit.
Entry updated by
Show the Display Name of the user who updated an entry most recently.
Site URL
Inserts the WordPress URL of your site from the WordPress Settings -> General page.
Site name
Inserts the name of your site.
Form name
Inserts the name of the form.
Views only
The following helpers are only available in a View.
Detail link
Displays the URL for the Detail Page of a View. Use the following HTML in your View to insert a clickable link that takes users to the Detail Page. If a form is set up to create posts, the detaillink will redirect to the single post page.
<a href="[detaillink]">Details</a>
Edit entry link
Inserts an edit link which takes the user to edit an entry. You must first allow users to edit in order for the link to appear. Learn more about the editlink parameters here.
[editlink label="Edit" page_id=x]
Note: you must replace x with the ID of the page where your form is published.
Rotate even/odd
If you would like to apply different styling to every other listing, insert this tag as a class on the div tag surrounding the content.
<div class="[evenodd]">Your content here.</div>
The odd listings will call the 'odd' class, and the even listings will call the 'even' class.
Entry count
Displays the number of entries in a View. Put this shortcode in the Before or After Content of your View.
Event date
When working with repeating events, it may be helpful to use the [event_date] shortcode. For example, if the original event starts on June 1st and repeats once a week, the shortcode will show June 8th, June 15th, etc. The shortcode can format the date as follows.
[event_date format="Y-m-d"]
This shortcode can also be used with multi-day events, allowing the appropriate dates to show in the calendar.
Event end date
When working with repeating events, using the [end_event_date] shortcode may be helpful. This shortcode supports an ending date for recurring events on the detail page.
Draft status
Displays 1 if the entry is a draft and 0 otherwise.
[if is_draft]Draft[/if is_draft]
Emails only
The following helpers are only available in an email notification.
Default Message
This option is only visible from your form's Email settings tab. Inserts the shortcode for the default email message.
Default HTML
This option is only visible from your form's Email settings tab. Inserts the complete HTML for the default email message. This allows you to easily modify and customize the default email message.
Default Plain
This option is only visible from your form's Email settings tab. Inserts the complete plain text for the default email message.