Cancel your Formidable subscription
To cancel auto renewal for your Formidable subscription:
- Log in to your Formidable account and select Billing from the left side menu.
- Under the Actions column, click the Cancel link. If the Cancel link is not visible, this would indicate that the subscription has already been canceled.
When a subscription is canceled, the license will remain active until its expiration date. Your account won't be billed automatically when the expiration date is reached.
Request a refund
We offer a full money-back guarantee within the 14 day window. If you would like to receive a refund, follow the steps below:
- Create a ticket in our help desk to submit a request.
- Set it to Inquire about my account. Choose the My account or licenses category. Then select the Requesting a refund sub-category.
- We are always working to make Formidable and our add-ons more enjoyable. In the Add some detail field, please describe in detail your reason for requesting a refund and what we could have done differently in order for the plugin to meet your needs.
- Submit the form and expect to receive a response from our support team within business hours.
Frequently asked questions
Why should I subscribe to automatic renewals?
Automatic renewal subscriptions simplify the renewal process and eliminate the need to manually renew your license every year. With automatic renewals you don't need to worry about your license expiring or take the time to manually renew each year.
You will receive an email a month before the renewal to remind you about the upcoming payment. You can opt out of automatic renewals by canceling your subscription.
What will happen if my license expires?
If your license expires, your front-end forms will continue to function normally for your users. You will lose access to pro features including plugin updates, support, new add-ons released after expiration, and form templates that are included with your plan.
We recommend keeping Formidable updated to the latest version, as releases contain bug fixes, security improvements, and compatibility with the latest WordPress releases. Releases also include lots of new features and improvements.
We recommend that you stay up-to-date with WordPress and any plugins on your site.
Can I let my license expire and renew after expiration?
Yes. If you prefer to renew your license after the expiration date, you can renew later. Your new expiration date will be one year from the date that you renew. While your license is expired, you will not have access to all Pro features.
Can I choose to renew manually?
Yes, of course! If you prefer to renew manually, you can opt out of automatic renewals from the billing tab under your account page. We will send you reminder emails before your license expires.
Can I renew earlier than my expiration date?
Yes. If you prefer to renew your license before the expiration date, your next renewal is scheduled one year from the date you renewed.
The expiration date on the license is extended by a year. Each time you renew, twelve more months are added to your license.