Welcome to the Formidable Forms glossary! We have created this glossary to help you get familiar with some common terms you'll see when using the Formidable Forms plugin. If you have trouble finding any answers in our documentation, please feel free to create a ticket in our help desk.
An add-on is a separate plugin that adds additional functionality to the Formidable Forms plugin. Add-ons require that Formidable is installed and activated on your WordPress site. See a complete list of Formidable Forms add-ons and features.
A pre-built solution that includes forms and views, allowing you to create applications without coding.
Customization Panel
The customization panel shows up when you are building a Form or a View. It allows you to access custom options for the fields you are working with. Click here to find more information about the Customization Panel.
Default Value
Sets automatic values for form fields, such as a logged-in user's first name, last name, or email. This makes form completion quicker and easier for users.
An entry is a set of information that is collected whenever someone submits a form. An entry can be saved as a draft, created, updated or deleted. Learn how to manage your form entries.
A field provides a place for information to be entered on a web page. A field must be contained within a form. See the complete list of field types offered by Formidable Forms.
Field Options
Nearly every field in a form has different options that are associated with it. These options vary from the positioning of the field's label to the visibility of the field (i.e., if it is visible to certain types of users vs. all users.) To access a field's options, simply click on the field in the form builder, and click on Field Options. Click here to find out about field options.
A form is a collection of fields which are displayed on a web page. Learn how to create and publish a form.
Form Action
A form action is a process that can be executed every time an entry is created, updated, and/or deleted. An example of a form action is an email notification. When an entry is created, an email notification can be sent with the information in that entry.
Form Template
A pre-designed form setup that helps you create new forms easily without starting from scratch.
Global Settings
After installing Formidable on your WordPress site, you will have a Global Settings page where you can control permissions, style settings, global messages, etc. Click here to find out more about Global Settings in Formidable.
A hook is a line of code in WordPress or Formidable that allows you to customize specific functionality. Formidable offers a variety of hooks to make it easy for developers to customize the plugin. Read more about hooks.
A feature for moving your forms, views, styles, and entries between sites. This is useful for backing up or transferring data without rebuilding from scratch.
This feature gathers payment information by integrating with services like Stripe, PayPal, or Authorize.net after a form submission.
A shortcode is a specific word within brackets that will display information or perform a specific action when a web page is displayed. Shortcodes are used throughout WordPress as a standard; you can find more information about how shortcodes are used throughout WordPress by clicking here. An example of a shortcode in Formidable would be [formidable id=1]. This shortcode will display all the information for the form with ID #1.
Contains details about recurring payment terms and schedules, facilitating regular billing.
Accessible via the Styles page, this tool lets you design and customize the look of your forms using various styling templates. Each form can be styled uniquely.
A View can display a single entry or multiple entries from a form. To learn how to create a View, click here.