Version 1.06.06 includes a few highly and long-requested features as well as a big step toward eliminating custom database tables.
Email Notification Overhaul
Conditional logic in now available on email notifications. This logic is similar to the conditional logic on showing and form fields. There is no longer a difference between autoresponder and admin notifications, and you can have any number of email variations. Of course the inline logic still works in the email messages, as well as the [default-message] shortcode which has been extended to work in any email.
Multiple Files per Field
Upload files have a new option to "allow multiple fields to be uploaded to this field." Checking this box presents users with a new upload field each time they select a file, the same way the upload works in our help desk.
These images can be displayed in custom displays in a couple of different ways. First, the easy way is to automatically include the HTML with [25 html=1] (where 25 is the ID of the upload field). Second, is the more advanced option to define your own HTML.
<img src="[25 sep='" /><img src="']" />
Custom Displays switched to Custom Post Type
Over the next year or so, we would like to phase out all custom database tables in favor of custom post types. We've started this process with custom displays. Not only does this eliminate an extra database table, but also inherits many extra benefits including revisions, previews, bulk editing, and saving as draft. The shortcodes will continue to work, or you can simply use the page generated for your custom display. These custom displays are not listed anywhere on the front-end of your site.
The "Customized content" box on the "Create posts" settings tab will now be saved to the post content if no field is selected to be used as the post content. In this case, changes made to the post content directly on the WP posts page will not be reflected in the Formidable entry or on the front-end of your site.
Additional Shortcodes
A few shortcodes have been added to help make simple and complex applications easier.
- Get a single value from an entry. [frm-show-entry id=x]
- Set a value to use in [get param=something] [frm-set-get a_value="hello"]
- Show all detail for a single entry in the same format as the default email message. [frm-field-value field_id=x user_id=current]
Extended Conditional Logic
The conditional logic for showing and hiding fields now includes hidden, text, number, email, website, and time fields. It also supports selecting a blank option to make it possible to show one field if anything has been selected in another instead of requiring a specific option to be selected.
Other changes that may affect your site
Two additional changes may affect the way your form and calendar custom display are currently displayed. First, the generic css classes like “text” and “date” have been removed from input fields. These were originally added for future use, but they have been causing too may problems with theme styling conflicts. This may affect you if you added custom styling using these classes, or if you were depending on similar css from your theme.
Localization has been added to the custom display calendar, so it will now start on day of the week selected on the WordPress Settings -> General page. The calendar previously started on Sunday, but the default WordPress setting is Monday. Please check your calendar to make sure it starts on the day you would like.
Version 1.06.07 is a bug fix release.
- With each update, we have had a handful of people who get stuck in an update loop, unable to get the pro version installed. From here on out, the automatic update feature will be smoother with only one-step updates.
- Added mb_split fallback for servers without mbstring installed. This function is used to truncate text throughout the plugin.
because "there is no longer a difference between autoresponder and admin notifications,..." does it also mean, that the [default message] can be used on autoresponder, so that the form user gets the same default message?
Thanks for the great update.
How are current custom displays affected by the change to custom post types? Will they have to be recreated or are they migrated automatically?
They are automatically migrated. There shouldn't be any change to your displays on the front-end.
Awesome plugin, thank u guys.
Is there a way with the new multiple file upload option to restrict the number of files that can be uploaded? I have a website that I'm working on where we have different service plans. One of the features of the service plans is the number of pictures that can be included. So for some customers I want to limit the number of pictures to 1, for others 5, 10, and 20. I think I may need to do this in separate forms, one for each service type. Is there a way though systematically to put a cap on the number of files that can be uploaded? Is this something I can limit by modifying the PHP, or better yet, is this an option that you can add to future versions of Formidable Pro for the File Upload field type?
The multiple file upload option is new and it doesn't contain any customizations or options yet. This feature may be added in the future, but for now it isn't built-in.
Thank you Steve. We definitely appreciate this addition to Formidable Pro, great work as always. I will try to work in the PHP myself to find a way to limit the number of uploads.