Years in the making, Formidable Form 6.0 brings bold new features, including the new Style Template Manager, a new Confirmation Form Action, and game changing UI updates.

13 years and dozens of releases in the making, we are pleased to present the revolutionary Formidable Forms 6.0! ?
We put our heart & soul into all releases, but this one is extra special. The changes in version 6.0 are designed to streamline the form building process for each and every form you create from now on.
Let’s crack in and see what’s new:
1. Visual Form Styler: Streamlined UI + Template Manager
The Visual Form Styler is a dream come true for anybody who wants to customize the look and feel of their forms without advanced coding. It allows you to create styles which you can then apply to your forms. That includes things like text size, field style, and button colors.
This feature has been included in Formidable Forms for a while now, but there are some new changes that will make styling your forms easier than ever. Let’s take a look!
Streamlined Form Styler UI (User Interface)
Before FF 6.0, if you wanted form customization, it was handled in the global Styles menu. That meant you needed to edit styles outside of the form builder. In other words, there was a bit more clicking around involved than there needed to be.
No longer! Now the Style menu is found in a tab within the form builder itself. Take a look:

Just click that + New Style button and you’ll see the visual styler appear:

Voila! Now you are editing your form style directly from the form builder.
Style Template Manager
There’s one more thing we added to make form styling a real breeze: The Style Template Manager.
Here’s what it looks like:

The Style Template Manager allows you to create styles and save them for future use. Or you can start quickly by using one of the delicately designed Formidable templates!
From this menu, you can easily duplicate, rename, manage, reset, and apply your custom styles. Plus, you can preview how your form will look with the styles too.

By the way, all the Visual Form Styler features are described in our docs here.

2. Form Confirmation: New Form Action
The next big thing in Formidable Forms 6.0 is the new Confirmation Form Action. This feature was previously handled in Form Settings under the General tab. It was called “On Submit”
Here’s what it looked like before:

This was working alright, but we knew we could do better. So we gave this feature a facelift & and makeover all at once. The Confirmation Form Action is now more powerful than ever, plus it’s a lot easier to use!
We Streamlined Form Confirmation into a New Form Action
What happens after a form is submitted? In Formidable, you define that in the Form Actions section of any form. Examples include sending an automatic email or sending data to your MailChimp account.
When we talk about our new Confirmation Form Action, this refers to what users experience on your site right after they click the submit button on a form.
It may seem like a small thing, but controlling Confirmation as a form action allows for a much smoother form building process. But that’s not all. We’ve added some new features and a lot more control too.
Let’s see what this thing can do!
How the new Confirmation Form Action Works
We designed the Confirmations Form Action with user experience in mind. That means giving you control over exactly what happens after users fill out a form.
Adding a Confirmation Form Action is just like adding any other form action:

After that, you’ll choose what you want users to see when they submit forms. Here are the choices:
- Show Confirmation Message
- Redirect to URL
- Show Page Content
- Conditional logic

1. Show Confirmation Message
After the form is submitted, users will see a success confirmation message that you define. It could be a standard message that you use across all your forms, or a custom message related to each specific form.
You can also use form data to populate your success message. One easy example: you could use the customer’s name to personalize their success confirmation message.

2. Redirect to URL
Send users to another page or site after form submission. This option comes in a few different flavors:
- Redirect to page on same site
- Redirect to page on a different site
- Redirect using separate values

3. Show Page Content
Choosing this option will allow you to show a message from another page after a form is submitted. One reason to use this option is if you want to keep a page private and then show the content after a user submits the form. Can you imagine the endless possibilities?
4. Conditional Logic
The Confirmation Form Action supports conditional logic to create powerful outcomes based on how the user fills out your forms. One simple example: redirect users to different pages or URLs depending on how they interacted with the form.
When combined with the options above, conditional logic turns the Confirmation Form Action into a true powerhouse. Now you’ll be able to easily create the perfect confirmation for every possible outcome!

3. Overall User Interface: Updates Galore
There’s one more chunk of big news in Formidable 6.0: We gave the whole user interface some much needed polish!
As our plugin grows, we’ve noticed spots where we can add more consistency across all of our layouts.So we took this opportunity to make sure Formidable Forms 6.0 was as pleasing to the eye as possible.
Here’s what to look out for:
- Updated fonts on admin pages.
- Added several new icons to various locations.
- Improved consistency of colors, spacing, buttons, and pop-ups.
- In-plugin confirmation messages (like delete warning messages) now use red buttons to warn users they are doing something destructive.
- Toggles on the admin pages got a face lift. Inactive toggles have a big X on them, while active ones have a checkmark.
There’s a lot more coming soon!
We hope you agree that Formidable Forms 6.0 brings a lot to the table. But guess what? We've got a ton more planned for 2023! To put it simply, we won't stop until every single form building feature has seen the light of day.
And if you've been with us for a while, then you know that means we've got our work cut out for us. To date, Formidable has dozens and dozens of features that can be used to solve an endless number of problems for WordPress users around the world.
The journey to FF 6.0 has been our honor to pursue. Thanks to your continue support, we're able to keep going with many fruitful releases going forward. Keep an eye on us, we promise it's going to be a wild ride!
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