- New: Redirects after user moderation will now use the applicable translated Polylang page based on the current language.
- Fix: When updating a user with a registration action, the new role would never get set.
- Fix: Login form scripts would occasionally load without jQuery resulting in a "jQuery is not defined" error, preventing the slide=1 option from working.
- Fix: The layout=h option was not working for frm-login shortcodes.
- Fix: The multiselect dropdown for action event types would not properly initialize when clicking the create new email buttons.
- Fix: Pages were getting flagged incorrectly when a registration form was embedded using an Elementor block.
- Fix: A fatal error would happen on login pages when an unexpected array format was used for the redirect_to URL param.
- The FrmRegLoginForm::load_login_form_css function has been deprecated and no longer does anything when called.
- Some old CSS has been removed, reducing the size of the required front end CSS file.