- New: Views can now be downloaded as PDFs. When using the frm-pdf shortcode, a new "view" option can be specified like [frm-pdf view="10"]. To view a target detail page, the "id" option can be added as well.
- New: Added support for a new "source" option for the frm-pdf shortcode that can support a custom shortcode like [frm-pdf source="your-shortcode"].
- New: Added support for a new "filename" option when using frm-pdf shortcodes to easily customize the name of the generated PDF file.
- New: Added support for "paper_size" and "orientation" options when using frm-pdf shortcodes.
- New: PDFs will now use the font specified in the visual styler. Characters in some languages, including Chinese and Hebrew, would appear as question marks when a font is used that does not support the language.
- New: Added a new frm_pdfs_email_attachment_args filter.
- Updated Dompdf to version 2.0.3.
- Added additional checks for required PHP version, core Formidable versions, and required PHP extensions including mbstring, gd, and dom.