Added duplicate entry checks Added a checkbox to mark fields required Moved the duplicate field option into free version Show the success message even if the form isn't displayed with it Added
Formidable Forms v1.04.06
Additional back-end XHTML compliance PRO: Fixed conditionally hidden fields bug some users were experiencing
Formidable Forms v1.04.04
Another release is now available that may require a little action on your part after updating. If you are using the WP reCAPTCHA pluigin for Formidable captchas, please check that they still work
Formidable Forms v1.04.03
Load styling before any forms are loaded Fixed in-place edit in IE (finally! Sorry guys!) PRO: Include styling on multi-paged forms PRO: Allow floating decimals in the number field PRO: Don't load
Formidable Forms v1.04.01
This release includes a lot of optimization. Some of these require action on your part in order to take advantage of the changes. If you do not take action, no harm will come to your site but it will
Formidable Forms v1.04.02
PRO: Fixed drop-down hidden field dependencies PRO: Added options to the time field (12 or 24 hours, minute step)
Formidable Forms v1.04.0
Added icon link on post/page editor for inserting forms Added parameters to show individual radio/checkbox options in the custom HTML using the [input] tag. example: [input opt=1] where opt is the
Formidable Forms v1.03.03
Added options to allow users other than admins to access Formidable Added uninstall button Fixed multiple submissions for pages with multiple forms PRO: Added [frm-graph] shortcode for front-end
Formidable Forms v1.03.02
Fixed admin pagination to navigate correctly with the arrow Fixed most Internet Explorer admin issues PRO: Added option to only show certain fields in a shortcode [ formidable id=x
Formidable Forms v1.03.0
Added the option of showing the form with the success message or not Added settings options for default messages and option to exclude the stylesheet from your header PRO: Added auto responder and