- New: The Full Width submit button position setting for new forms with the frm_flex class included on the frm_submit element now includes all buttons in a single row instead of making all buttons 100% width. Buttons will stretch to fill the empty space.
- New: Slim Select dropdowns that allow empty values now include an x icon for clearing the value back to empty.
- New: The Slim Select options pop up will no longer close on select when the dropdown is set to multiselect to make it easier to select multiple options.
- New: Slim Select dropdowns options will now appear in the order they were selected in, to be more consistent with how Chosen dropdowns worked and to make it easier to keep track of the last selected option.
- Fix: Most HTML would get stripped when displaying a Summary field including anchor tags and image tags. Now it is based on the privileges of the logged in user.
- Fix: [x show="label"] shortcodes would not work for checkboxes or dropdown fields with multiselect enabled, showing the values instead.
- Fix: A PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: reset(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, string given error triggered for some calculation fields has been fixed.
- Fix: The submit button would remain disabled after a lookup on some forms with multiple pages and submit button conditional logic.
- Fix: The Full Width submit button position setting was not working when using the Overwrite theme styling style setting.
- Fix: Unique field validation would fail when submitting a value that exists in another entry that isn't completed, include draft, in-progress, and abandoned entry statuses. Now unique field validation will only check entries that are submitted.
- Fix: Fixed a PHP Warning: Array to string conversion in submit button conditional logic settings that was preventing the new starts with and ends with options from staying selected.
- Fix: When loading a form, sometimes data would load for a recently edited entry instead of for the expected draft entry.
- Fix: Forms with date calculations would pop up with an error message on load in some cases where 2 forms are loaded on a single form, or when editing in-place.
- Fix: Repeater button icons now always use repeater icon color styling.
- Fix: Fields that use a Lookup default value were not pulling look up values when the watched Lookup field was an Slim Select dropdowns.
- Fix: Options were not populating properly in lookup fields watching other lookup fields if the watching lookup was a Slim Select dropdown.
- Fix: Disabled radio buttons and checkboxes displayed as images will no longer have special border styling on hover.
- Fix: The list of autocomplete options when using Slim Select was not scrollable.
- Fix: Slim Select dropdowns were not working properly with RTL styles.
- Fix: Placeholders were not appearing as expected in Lookup and Dynamic field Slim Select dropdowns.