- New: Several field types now support a new Currency Format setting, as well a new Number format settings. This replaces the previous currency and decimal place settings that were included in the calculation pop-up settings. New global currency settings can now also be found on the Global Settings page.
- New: Shortcodes can now be used in if condition shortcodes, like [if 1 equals="[2]"]Match[/if 1] and [if 1 equals="[frm-field-value field_id=1 entry_id=3]"]Match[/if 1].
- Fix: International phone field scripts would not properly load in cases where the combined Formidable script file was not successfully generated.
- Fix: Links to edit a form in place would not work in cases where the links were added after the scripts have loaded. This includes when a view is refreshed with AJAX.
- Fix: Calculations would not properly update after a repeater row was deleted.
- Fix: The icon to show passwords would appear in the wrong place when the field width setting was defined.
- Fix: The value dropdown for conditional logic settings was not always the correct type for some field types.
- Fix: Time is now included when formatting a date with an offset, to more accurately support small offset amounts.
- Form fields on the edit entry admin page will now appear more consistent with appearance on the front end.
- Some old deprecated functions has been removed, including FrmProDisplaysHelper::prepare_duplicate_view, FrmProDisplaysHelper::get_show_counts, FrmProDisplaysController::get_before_content_for_listing_page, and FrmProDisplaysController::get_inner_content_for_listing_page.