- New: HTML field descriptions now support the [form_name] shortcode.
- Fix: PDF thumbnail images will now be used as expected when file protection is enabled.
- Fix: Conditional logic would not work as expected for repeated form actions in some cases.
- Fix: Calculations wouldn't work properly when the same form was loaded multiple times on the same page, like when using in-place editing when the form is also loaded on the page.
- Fix: Slim Select autocomplete dropdowns would not initialize properly when the same form was loaded multiple times on the same page, like when using in-place editing when the form is also loaded on the page.
- Fix: The hook used to load translations has been updated to improve compatibility with WordPress 6.7+.
- Fix: An Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string PHP Fatal error has been fixed.
- Fix: Formidable files would incorrectly use the WordPress document SVG in newer versions of WordPress.
- Some old deprecated CSS has been removed, helping to reduce the file size of styles used on the front end.