- New: Rich text fields can now be set to read only.
- New: Rootline pagination will now be kept to a single row. Mobile widths without enough space to fit every page will hide extra page numbers in a dropdown toggled by a new rootline item with an ellipsis.
- New: Currency format settings for Slider fields will now also be applied to the min/max labels that get appended when a Before/After Input option is set.
- Fix: HTML in options for radio buttons and checkboxes using the Images display format was being escaped in summary fields and when viewing entries. It is now filtered instead to support some HTML elements.
- Fix: Character limit validation wasn't accurate for UTF-8 strings that include characters such as Æ, Ø and Å.
- Fix: Integer shortcodes will no longer match for a form for field IDs that don't exist. This was causing issues with the sanitize_url=1 option getting added to success URLs for shortcodes like [0] that should be left alone.
- Fix: Progress bars were not appearing on the "Edit Entry" and "View Entry" admin pages since the v5.5.1 update that added pagination position options.
- Fix: Avoid a PHP8 deprecation message passing a null value when calling kses while displaying an entry value shortcode that does not exist.
- Fix: Repeater form field transients will now be deleted when a field is moved from the repeater to somewhere else in the form. Old transient data not being updated would result in cases where a field may appear twice, both inside and outside of the repeater.
- Fix: The option to format a number as currency was not working for repeated and embedded slider fields if no fields in the parent form had a currency defined.