- New: Added an option to attach a file to sent emails.
- New: Added responsive classes for use in views: frm_no_grid_750 and frm_no_grid_600.
- New: Allow account connection from the add-ons page to reduce clicks.
- New: Added frm_action_logic_value hook for changing the value saved for form action logic.
- New: Added frm_field_object_for_shortcode hook used when showing field values in views and emails.
- Update the frm-search shortcode to include block classes for themes to style.
- Improved the styling for the frm-alt-table class.
- Fix: Images in radio fields and start ratings weren't keyboard accessible.
- Fix: Images in radio buttons can now be centered.
- Fix: Calculated currency values weren't showing on edit.
- Fix: Some form actions were triggered during XML import when they shouldn't have.
- Fix: Don't show error message for Total field when it's hidden with conditional logic.