- New: Section titles and descriptions will now be shown as a separate question in a conversational form, displayed as field labels. When moving between fields in a section a section heading will be shown with each row.
- New: Conversational start pages will no longer be displayed if the title and description are both hidden in the conversational form.
- Fix: Conversational forms would always display a title or description even if the title=false and description=false options were set.
- Fix: Improved support for loading multiple conversational forms with API embedded script tags.
- Fix: Automatic focusing on page load will now only happen in conversational forms on landing pages and on preview pages to prevent issues with forms getting focused in the middle of a long page.
- Fix: Conditional logic on submit buttons was occasionally not working as expected when the "Hide submit button" option was used.
- Fix: Sections with label positions set to a value other than top were triggering a breaking error.
- Fix: Fixed a conflict with the Twenty Twenty theme that was causing the press enter icon to appear in the wrong position in the page.