Plugin: Formidable Forms
- Move visual form styler to free version
- Added multiple emails to free version
- Added BCC, CC, and reply to options to emails
- Allow multiple roles to be selected for the permissions on the global settings page
- Updated the UI
- Added a trash can for forms as well as draft forms
- Change the field width option from characters to pixels
- Pro: Added repeatable fields and embedded forms
- Pro: Added multiple form styling templates, more styling options, and updated the default styling
- Added a slick shortcode builder
- Pro: Created form actions and consolidated notifications and add-ons
- Pro: All form actions can use conditional logic
- Pro: Added confirmation fields
- Pro: Added read-only radio and check box fields
- Pro: View pagination will automatically take on Genesis theme styling
- Pro: Entire sections can be moved and duplicated
- Lots of other small features and bug fixes. Too many little features to list!