Plugin: Formidable Forms
- New: Add frmEntryDeleted jQuery event
- Tweak: Apply placeholder color to paragraph fields
- Fix: Prevent fatal errors when trying to get an action that doesn't exist
- Fix: A few adjustments to the way autofilling licenses works in the settings to account for caching and multisite networks
- Fix: Add weekend class to empty calendar boxes at the end of the month. Now the empty boxes can be styled or hidden too
- Fix: Get rid of duplicate values in the default email from embedded forms
- Fix: Separate files in the entry array with a ', ' (comma and space instead of only a comma)
- Fix: Include the file urls in the csv for multiple file upload fields inside an embedded form
- Fix: Fix issue with upload blocks when editing. An upload field in a repeating section was always saying to fill the previous required fields. This happened when editing an entry and adding a new repeating row.