Plugin: Formidable Forms
- Improved ajax form load speed on form builder page
- Added 4.0 compatibility for deprecated like_escape function
- Removed label html in radio and checkbox fields when label=0 is used on the [input] tag in the customizable HTML
- Fixed Akismet integration for current version of Akismet
- Added Italian translation
- Added a few ajax nonce checks but don't require valid nonce for logged-out users for caching reasons
- Allow data-something="value" inside the [input] short code
- Allow [default-message] to have short code parameters to set rtl (direction=rtl), font size (font_size="14px"), and styling (text_color="000" border_width="1px" border_color="000" bg_color="fff" alt_bg_color="eee").
- Added frm_html_scroll_box class for scrolling content in an HTML field
- Allow recurring entries using values like "Third Wednesday of [frmcal-date]"
- Allow comma separated view filters for entry key and id
- Allow drafts=both in view short code, formresults short code, and frm-stats shortcode
- Allow comma-separated values to populate a checkbox field
- Allow field keys in frm-stats filtering
- Added created_at and updated_at support to the frm-stats short code
- Added column separation option to csv export
- Added hook: frm_csv_column_sep for changing the , separation between columns in csv
- Added hook: frm_csv_field_ids to specify fields to export in CSV
- Added hook: frm_filter_where_val and frm_filter_dfe_where_val for filtering only the value instead of the full WHERE statement
- Added hook: frm_rte_options for adding options to the TinyMce editor
- Added hook: frm_show_form_after_edit to show or hide the form differently from create
- Added hook: frm_scroll_offset to change the point of scroll after submit to allow for static headers
- Added hook: frm_ajax_load_styles for allowing additional styles on ajax loaded form pages
- Added hook: frm_create_cookies for preventing cookie creation
- Added hook: frm_filter_auto_content to prevent filtering on auto-inserted views
- Added hook: frm_file_icon to change what is displayed for a upload field when editing
- Import CSV values for a taxonomy field correctly when the term name is in the CSV instead of requiring the ID
- Import CSV dates correctly in entries if format has been changed to a day-first format
- Added Post ID into the view filtering options
- Added support for multiselect drop downs in calculations
- Updated the way templates are fetched for wpmu copying
- Show any additional info on the entry view page that is stored in the entry description
- Update to Chosen 1.1.0
- Allow field keys in stats filtering
- Miscellaneous bug fixes