Plugin: Formidable Forms
A second release candidate for Version 1.07.0 is ready for download. Thanks to all those who have reported issues. If you see any issues in this version, please report them in the help desk. The following list includes the main features that have been added.
- The option to load and save your forms with Ajax has been added to the form Settings page. This option is recommended for long forms. Instead of a complete page refresh when you load or update a form, the form will be loaded with Ajax. This will make the load time considerably shorter for long forms and will help options near the end of a long form save correctly.
- Clickable styling classes and default values have been added to the form builder sidebar. This is very convenient when you are styling the layout of your form or adding dynamic default values to a field.
- Comments that are added through the back-end in the Entries tab can now be exported in a CSV.
- Multiple values can be imported into an entry via CSV in a multi-select dropdown field.
- HTML is now allowed in field and form titles and descriptions.
Other Changes
- Save form builder page via ajax
- Don't show the previous license number when entering a new one
- Make sure a hidden field type cannot be required
- Fixed HTML in fields loaded via ajax
- Fixed errors on first page of multi-paged form
- Only load up to 300 entries in the conditional logic drop down for data from entries fields to prevent memory issues
- Added frm_graph_query and frm_graph_xquery hooks