Plugin: Formidable Forms
- Submit build form in one input to prevent max_input_vars limitations
- Load fields on the build page with ajax for long forms and other form builder page optimization
- Added submit button to customizable HTML
- Create entry key from first required text field
- Set the default name of a field to the field type instead of "Untitled"
- Added minified version of formidable.js
- Added back button on multi-paged forms
- Added loading indicator by submit button
- Updated timestamp in CSV to adjust for WordPress timezone selection
- Updated value in CSV for file upload fields
- Updated timezone used in CSV export
- Added column in CSV for value for fields that are set to use separate values
- Removed border styling from the container around radio and checkbox fields
- Copy conditional logic and field calculations into duplicated forms
- Allow clickable=1 to be used with Google formresults shortcode
- Added option for frmThemeOverride_frmAfterSubmit function for custom javscript after ajax submit
- Updated star rating javascript version
- Don't show custom display content for password protected posts until allowed
- Switched front-end ajax to use hooks (frm_ajax_{controller}_{action})