Plugin: Formidable Forms
XML export/import
There is a new "Import/Export" menu item listed under Formidable, where the importing and exporting has been extended and consolidated. This is a huge step in allowing easy copying from one site to another, sharing with others, and downloading full demos directly from our site. We've already started adding download links to some of our demos, and they will continue popping up on each demo over the next week. These files include the form(s), view(s), and sample entries, making it a plug-and-play option. Import the file, replace the demo entries, and in some cases you'll also insert the form on a page.
Some servers do not have XML enabled. This will cause errors in this version. The next version will prevent the errors, but XML import/export and creating default templates will still not work correctly without XML enabled. The php-xml module will need to be installed and apache restarted.
Edit via CSV import
If you have a column in your CSV that matches up with existing entry ids on your site, you can map that field to the "Entry ID" in the import process and those entries will be updated with your CSV data. If you do not want to edit, you should make sure there is no column mapped to "Entry ID."
Forms and Emails
A separate set of confirmation options have been added for editing entries. This will default to show a message, so you may need to update these settings.
Star ratings got a pick-me-up and the images were replaced with the Dashicons icon font. This will load more quickly and allow for easier color changes using custom css.
Multiple file upload fields will allow multiple files to be selected at a time, instead of limiting to one file at a time.
Some users have trouble with certain emails coming through with the HTML showing. The subject line is now encoded to prevent special characters from causing this HTML issue. On some servers, this may cause the subject line to be encoded twice, requiring a bit of custom code to prevent the Formidable encoding.
Shortcode Enhancements
The entry_id option in the frm-field-value shortcode will allow you to get the entry ID from the URL. [frm-field-value field_id=x entry_id="get-id"]. Replace "get-id" with the name of the parameter in your URL. This will allow for easier front-end duplication so only the entry id will need to be included in the URL instead of requiring every field to be copied.
The frm-graph shortcode has several extra options: entry_id, x_title, y_title, start_date, and tooltip_label. More info to come in the docs.
Admin Bar Links
Links to the form builder page have been added to the admin bar. If you have multiple forms on a page, multiple links will be shown in a dropdown.
New Hooks
- frm_jquery_themes: create custom jQuery calendar themes and add them into the options
- frm_no_data_graph: customize the "No Data" message for graphs
- frm_csv_line_break: change line breaks in CSV export to something other than the default \r\n
- frm_encode_subject: prevent email subject encoding
- frm_get_categories
Other changes to note
The .required class was removed from required form inputs to minimize conflicts with themes and other plugins. This may affect you if you have been using that class in your custom javascript or css. You can add it back in with a bit of custom code if needed.
- Moved more email settings and bulk form delete to free version
- Expanded conditional logic for email notifications
- Added form edit links to admin bar
- Revert to random entry keys now that data from entries values can be used in filtering views
- Added separate set of confirmation options for editing
- Added option to disable visual tab on each view
- Added drafts parameter to view shortcode to show draft entries. [display-frm-data id=40 drafts=1]
- Allow the frm-field-value shortcode to get the entry ID from the URL. [frm-field-value field_id=x entry_id=id]. Replace "id" with the name of the parameter in your URL
- Allow field keys in the exlude_fields shortcode option
- Allow updated-at, created-at, updated-by to by used in conditional statements. [if created-at greater_than="-3 days"]Show this if this was created less than 3 days ago[/if created-at]
- Added update message and button to global default messages
- Added progress bar to csv import
- Added draft status to csv export/import
- Change the updated_at and updated_by values when a field is changed with the edit field link
- Fixed adding new conditional logic to newly added notifications
- Allow "GROUP BY" addition to form in frm_where_filter by rearranging SQL
- Don't apply view filters to single post page
- Fixed showing only file name in views
- Removed Pretty Link plugin integration to be placed in an add-on
- Added delete_link and confirm parameter to formresults shortcode
- Allow data from entries fields to be used as x_axis in graphs
- Allow field keys in graph shortcode
- Added height and line-height to Global Settings
- Filter the empty_msg for Views so shortcodes can be used in the "message if nothing to display"
- Check for valid file type when saving a draft
- Added sorting on entry listing table for non-post fields
- Fixed form pagination with errors and no ajax validation
- Changed image to a link when editing an entry with an image
- Moved the frm_setup_new_fields_vars hook to fire later when dynamically getting options from a dependent data from entries field
- Added 'action' parameter back to the frm_redirect_url hook