Plugin: Formidable Forms
- Updated default styling, and removed icons from error message
- Added styling reset button on styling page
- Added form switcher to nav and other UI enhancements
- Allow any values in the form shortcode to set $_GET values. [ formidable id=x get="something"]. Then use [get param="get"] in a field
- Increased performance and usability when editing long forms
- Allow [if created-at less_than="-1 month"]
- Moved radio and checkbox inputs inside the label tags
- Dropped support for < jQuery 1.7 (< WP 3.3)
- Switched "Custom Display" terminology to "View"
- Switch time field generation from javascript to php
- Updated file uploading progress bar with frm_uploading_files hook added to text
- Added frm_radio_class and frm_checkbox_class hooks
- Added frm_default_field_opts hook
- Added frm_send_to_not_email hook for notifications that are triggered on non-emails
- Only show "create entry in form" box if user has permission to create entries
- Fixed button to delete all entries
- Fixed double entry creation after ajax submit when redirecting
- Fixed collapsable entry list bullets