Plugin: Formidable Forms
- Added styling classes: two thirds, scroll box, columns (frm_first_two_thirds, frm_last_two_thirds, frm_scroll_box, frm_total, frm_two_col, frm_three_col, frm_four_col)
- Added container in default html for new check box and radio fields
- PRO: Added a print link on the view entry page in the back-end
- PRO: Added support for category stats in the frm-stats shortcode
- PRO: Allow the edit link to dynamically get the id of the entry when used on a post page. Ex: [frm-entry-edit-link id=current label="Edit" page_id=92]
- PRO: Allow non-admin users to see the user ID drop down in the back-end when they have permission to edit entries from the back-end
- PRO: Added frm_data_sort hook for sorting data from entries options
- PRO: Allow dropdown fields to be selected as the post title
- PRO: Switched data from entries drop downs to use field key in the html id instead of the field id for consistency
- PRO: When importing templates, use the path shown in the box whether it has been saved or not
- PRO: Fixed admin-only fields to still save to created post
- PRO: Fixed issue preventing required multiple file upload fields from being required
- PRO: Updated input mask script to 1.3.1
- PRO: Added hooks for entries in the admin: frm_row_actions, frm_edit_entry_publish_box, frm_show_entry_publish_box, frm_edit_entry_sidebar