Plugin: Formidable Forms
- Removed generic classes from input fields like "text" and "date"
- Correctly jump down to form with error messages
- Added frm_setup_new_entry hook for overriding defaults for all fields in one hook when presenting a blank form
- Added "This field cannot be blank" message to global settings
- Changed substr to mb_substr for language-safe truncation
- WP 3.5 compatibility
- Fixed conflict with W3TC that was adding slashes into options on the form settings page
- Show a message on the form builder page if a reCaptcha is included in the form, but not set up
- Switch from add_object_page to add_menu_page to prevent menu position conflicts
- (Free only) Allow emails to be sent from the admin email instead of forcing an email address from the submitted entry
- PRO: Added multiple-image upload
- PRO: Added unlimited emails per form and conditional routing
- PRO: Migrated custom displays into a custom post type
- PRO: Use the "customized content" box to save the actual content if no field is selected for the post content
- PRO: Added frm-field-value shortcode to get the value of a field in another form. [ frm-field-value field_id=25 user_id=current entry_id=140 ip=1]
- PRO: Added frm-show-entry shortcode to show an entry in the same formats as the default email message. [frm-show-entry id=100 plain_text=1 user_info=1]
- PRO: Added frm_set_get shortcode to artificially set $_GET values for use in custom displays or dynamic defaults values. [ frm-set-get any_param="any value" another="value 2"] This can be fetched with [get param="any_param"] [get param="another"]
- PRO: Extended conditional logic for displaying fields to include text, number, email, website, and time fields
- PRO: Added support for the [ frm-search] shortcode into the [ formresults] table
- PRO: Updated NicEdit
- PRO: If http isn't included in a url or image field, automatically add it during validation
- PRO: Added "wrap" parameter to the frm-graph shortcode to wrap the text in long questions
- PRO: Added localization to custom display calendar to start on day of the week selected in WordPress settings
- PRO: Added entry updated dates to custom display shortcodes
- PRO: Correctly check uniqueness of post fields when there are no other error messages
- PRO: If using a number field with the value "0" that is linked through a data from entries field, show 0 instead of nothing
- PRO: Update for more accurate checking for hierarchical taxonomies when saving posts
- PRO: Evaluate numbers as numeric instead of a string for conditional logic for hiding and showing fields
- PRO: Fix to allow tags fields and other fields in the same form that are mapped to the same taxonomy
- PRO: Fixed conditional logic to work correctly when dependent on the value "0"
- PRO: Fixed display of shortcodes inside the before or after content areas of the custom display if nesting [get param=something]
- PRO: Fixed calculations for multiple-paged calculations with checkbox fields that may not be checked
- PRO: Fixed checkbox fields linked through another field to display properly in a custom display
- PRO: Fixed separate values to work with sending to email addresses
- PRO: Show a max of 500 options in a data from entries field in the admin to prevent server limits from making the form inaccessible
- PRO: Make sure the graphs printed from the reports page are not split when printing
- PRO: Fixed the link to show more text in the custom display to show the text in place or link to the single page correctly depending on the custom display type
- PRO: Removed "just show it" data from entries fields in the email checkbox settings
- PRO: Remove post custom fields from database if blank
- PRO: Fixed frm-stats shortcode to work with post custom fields combined with the value parameter
- PRO: Fixed div nesting issue when using collapsible section headings followed by non-collapsible sections headings
- PRO: Removed separate values checkbox for post status and taxonomy fields
- PRO: Fixed double filtering forms if inserted in the dynamic box of a custom display used for posts
- PRO: Fixed page size and limit overriding single entry displays